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首頁 產品展示>珀金斯Perkins1600發(fā)動機維修拆卸組裝手冊




Disassembly and


1600 Series Industrial Engine

XGA (Engine)

XGB (Engine)

XGD (Engine)

XGE (Engine)

XGF (Engine)

XGH (Engine)

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Important Safety Information

Most  accidents    tha t involve  produc  t  op eration,  ma intena nc e and   repair   are  caus  ed  by  failure  to

ob serve  basic   safety   rules  or  precautions  .  An accident    can   often  be  avoided   by  recog nizing  pote ntially

ha za rdous  situations   before   an  accident    oc curs . A person    mus t be  alert   to pote ntial  ha za rds.  This

person   should   also  ha ve  the  ne cessary   training,  skills  and   tools  to perform   the se  func tions properly.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair  of this product can be dangerous and

could result in injury  or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this  product, until you have

read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Sa fety precautions     and  warning s  are   provided   in this  ma nua l and   on  the  produc t.  If the se  ha za rd

warning s  are  not  he eded,   bod ily injury  or death   could   oc cur to  you  or to  othe r persons  .

The  ha za rds are   identified   by  the  “Safety  Alert  Symb ol”  and  followed  by  a  “Signa l  Word” suc h  as

“DANGER”, “WARNING”  or “CAUTION”.  The Sa fety  Alert  “WARNING” label  is  shown   below.

The  me aning  of  this safety   alert   symb ol is  as  follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is  Involved.

The  me ssage   tha t appears     und er the   warning  explains    the  ha za rd and   can  be   either  written  or

pictorially   presente  d.

Op erations  tha t  ma y caus e  produc  t dama  ge  are  identified   by  “NOTICE” labels   on  the  produc  t and   in

this  pub lication.

Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The

warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,

work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,

you must satisfy yourself that it is safe  for you and for others. You should also ensure that the

product will not be damaged or be  made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or

repair procedures that you choose.

The  informa tion, specifications   ,  and  illustrations   in  this  pub lication  are   on the  basis    of informa tion tha t

was  available    at  the  time  tha t the  pub lication   was  written.   The  specifications   , torque  s,  pressure  s,

me asure me nts , adjustme  nts , illustrations ,  and  othe r  items  can  cha  ng e at  any  time.  These  cha ng es  can

affect   the  service   tha t is given   to the  produc  t.  Ob tain the  comp  lete  and  mos t current   informa tion before

you  start any   job. Pe  rkins  dealers   or   Pe rkins  distributors     ha ve  the  mos t current   informa tion  available.

When  replacement  parts  are  required  for  this

product Perkins recommends using Perkins

 replacement  parts.

Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-

ture failures, product damage, personal injury or


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Table of  Contents

Table of Contents

Inlet and Exhaust Valve Springs - Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................... 67

Inlet and Exhaust Valves  - Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................... 70

Inlet and Exhaust Valve Guides - Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................... 72

Engine Centrifugal Oil Filter - Remove and Install

(1606D Engines) ................................................. 74

Engine Oil Filter Base - Remove (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 77

Engine Oil Filter Base - Disassemble (1606A and

1606D Engines) ..................................................  79

Engine Oil Filter Base - Assemble (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 80

Engine Oil Filter Base - Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 82

Engine Oil Cooler - Remove  (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 84

Engine Oil Cooler -  Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 85

Engine Oil Temperature Regulator - Remove and

Install (1606A and 1606D Engines) .................... 86

Engine Oil Relief Valve - Remove and Install (1606A

and 1606D Engines) ...........................................  87

Engine Oil Pump -  Remove (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 88

Engine Oil Pump  - Install (1606A and 1606D

Disassembly and Assembly Section

Fuel Filter Base -  Remove (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ................................................................ 5

Fuel Filter Base - Disassemble (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ................................................................ 6

Fuel Filter Base - Assemble  (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ................................................................ 8

Fuel Filter Base  - Install (1606A and  1606D

engines) ..............................................................  10

Switch (Water in Fuel) - Remove and Install (1606A

and 1606D Engines) ...........................................  12

Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 12

Fuel Transfer Pump - Install  (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 14

Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooler - Remove  and

Install (1606D Engines) ....................................... 16

Electronic Unit Injector - Remove (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 18

Electronic Unit Injector - Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 19

Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Remove (1606A and

1606D Engines) ..................................................  21

Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ..................................................  22

Injection Actuation Pressure Control Valve - Remove

and Install (Injection Pressure Regulator (IPR) Valve

for 1606A and 1606D Engines) ........................... 23

Injection Actuation Pressure  Control Sensor

Engines) .............................................................. 90

Water Pump  - Remove (1606A and  1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 92

Water Pump  - Install (1606A  and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 93

Water Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and

Install (1606A and 1606D Engines) .................... 94

Engine Support (Front) - Remove and Install (1606A

and 1606D Engines) ...........................................  95

Flywheel - Remove (1606A and 1606D Engines) .. 96

Flywheel - Install (1606A and 1606D Engines) ..... 97

Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 99

Crankshaft Rear Seal - Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 100

Flywheel Housing - Remove and Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  101

Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................. 104

Crankshaft Front Seal - Remove (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 107

Crankshaft Front Seal - Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 108

Front Cover  - Remove (1606A and  1606D

- Remove  and Install (1606A  and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 24

Unit Injector Hydraulic Pump - Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................... 25

Unit Injector Hydraulic Pump Gear - Remove and

Install (1606A and 1606D Engines) ....................  30

Unit Injector Actuation Oil Manifold - Remove and

Install (1606A and 1606D Engines) ....................  31

Air Cleaner - Remove and Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) .............................................................. 36

Turbocharger - Remove (1606D Engines) ............ 38

Turbocharger - Remove (1606A Engines) ............ 39

Turbocharger - Install (1606D Engines) ................ 40

Turbocharger - Install (1606A Engines) ................ 42

Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve -  Remove and

Install (1606D Engines) ....................................... 44

Exhaust Manifold - Remove (1600D Engines) ...... 47

Exhaust Manifold - Remove (1606A Engines) ...... 50

Exhaust Manifold - Install (1600D Engines) .......... 52

Exhaust Manifold - Install (1606A Engines) .......... 56

Pressure Sensor (Exhaust Manifold) - Remove and

Install (1600D Engine) ........................................  59

Exhaust Elbow - Remove and Install  (1606A and

1606D Engines) ..................................................  61

Air Inlet Heater - Remove and Install  (1606A and

1606D Engines) ..................................................  61

Inlet Manifold - Remove  and Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ..................................................  63

Engines) ............................................................. 110

Front Cover  - Install (1606A  and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................. 113

Gear Group (Front) - Remove (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................. 117

Gear Group (Front) -  Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................. 118

Housing (Front) - Remove  (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................. 119

Housing (Front) -  Install (1606A and  1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 122

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Table of  Contents

Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install (1606A

and 1606D Engines) .........................................  125

Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install (1606A

and 1606D Engines) .........................................  129

Rocker Shaft and Pushrod - Remove (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  136

Rocker Shaft - Disassemble (1606A  and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 137

Rocker Shaft -  Assemble (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 138

Rocker Shaft and Pushrod -  Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  139

Cylinder Head -  Remove (1606A and 1606D

Engine Oil Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................. 189

Engine Oil Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................. 190

Fuel Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install (1606A

and 1606D Engines) .........................................  192

Inlet Manifold Temperature Sensor - Remove and

Install (1606A and 1606D Engines) ..................  193

Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................. 194

Jacket Water Heater - Remove and Install (1606A

and 1606D Engines) .........................................  195

Alternator Belt - Remove and  Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  196

Belt Tensioner - Remove and Install  (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  197

Fan - Remove  and Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 141

Cylinder Head  - Install (1606A and  1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 144

Lifter Group  - Remove (1606A and  1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 147

Lifter Group  - Install (1606A  and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 148

Camshaft -  Remove (1606A and  1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 148

Camshaft - Install (1606A and 1606D Engines) .. 150

Camshaft Gear - Remove and Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  152

Camshaft Bearings - Remove and Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  153

Engine Oil Pan - Remove and Install (1606A  and

1606D Engines) ................................................  155

Cylinder Liner -  Remove (1606A and 1606D

engines) ............................................................  198

Fan Drive - Remove and Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 199

Electronic Control Module - Remove  and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................. 201

Alternator - Remove and Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 204

Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install (1606A

and 1606D Engines) .........................................  206

Index Section

Index ...................................................................  207

Engines) ............................................................ 159

Cylinder Liner  - Install (1606A  and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 160

Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  162

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Remove (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  163

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Disassemble (1606A

and 1606D Engines) .........................................  164

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Assemble (1606A

and 1606D Engines) .........................................  166

Pistons and Connecting Rods - Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  168

Crankshaft Main Bearings - Remove (1606A and

1606D Engines with Crankshaft in Position) ..... 170

Crankshaft Main Bearings - Install (1606A and 1606D

Engines with Crankshaft in Position) ................  171

Crankshaft -  Remove (1606A and  1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 174

Crankshaft -  Install (1606A  and 1606D

Engines) ............................................................ 176

Crankshaft Timing Ring - Remove and Install (1606A

and 1606D Engines) .........................................  181

Crankshaft Gear - Remove and Install (1606A and

1606D Engines) ................................................  182

Bearing Clearance - Check ................................. 184

Camshaft Position Sensor - Remove  and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................. 185

Crankshaft Position Sensor - Remove and  Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................. 186

Coolant Temperature Sensor - Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines) ............................. 187

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

Disassembly and Assembly



Fuel Filter Base - Remove

(1606A and 1606D Engines)

Removal Procedure

Table 1

Required Tools


Part Number

Part Description

Capping Kit







Illustration 1

Ensure that  all adjustments and  repairs that  are

carried out  to the  fuel system are  performed by

authorized personnel that  have the correct train-


3.  If necessary, disconnect hose assembly from inlet

connection (2).

4.  Drain the fuel from fuel filter base (1). Refer to

the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel

System Primary Filter/Water Separator - Drain” for

the correct procedure.

Before beginning ANY work on the fuel system, re-

fer to Operation  and Maintenance Manual,  “Gen-

eral Hazard  Information and  High Pressure  Fuel

Lines” for safety information.

5.  Disconnect the fuel hose assembly from inlet

connection (3) on fuel filter base (1).

Refer to System Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Cleanliness of Fuel System Components” for de-

tailed information on the standards of cleanliness

that must be observed during ALL work on the fu-

el system.

6.  Use Tooling (A) in order to plug  the fuel hose

assembly. Use Tooling  (A) in order to  cap

connection (3).

7.  Disconnect fuel hose assembly from  return

connection (10) on fuel filter base (1).

1.  Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.

2.  Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF


8.  Use Tooling (A) in order to plug  the fuel hose

assembly. Use Tooling  (A) in order to  cap

connection (10).

9.  Disconnect harness assembly (6) from water in

fuel sensor (7) (not shown).

10. Disconnect harness assembly (8) from fuel

pressure sensor (9).

11. Remove nut (4) and disconnect harness assembly

(5) from the stud bolt on fuel filter base (1).

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section




Illustration 2

Illustration 3

12. Disconnect tube assembly (11) from fuel filter

base (1) and fuel transfer pump (14).

22. Remove bolt (18) and stud bolts (19) from fuel

filter base (1). Support the fuel filter base as the

bolts are removed.

13. Remove O-ring seal (12) (not shown) from the

connection on fuel filter base (1).

Note: Note the position of the different length bolts

and different types of bolts for installation purposes.

14. Use Tooling (A) in order to cap the connection on

fuel filter base (1).

23. Remove fuel filter base (1) from inlet manifold


15. Use Tooling (A) in order to cap fuel transfer pump


24. Remove gasket seal (20).

16. Remove seal (13) (not  shown) from tube

assembly (11).


Fuel Filter Base - Disassemble

(1606A and 1606D Engines)

17. Use Tooling (A) in order to cap tube assembly


18. Disconnect tube assembly (16) from fuel filter

base (1) and fuel lift pump (14).

Disassembly Procedure

19. Remove seal (15) (not shown) and seal (17) (not

shown) tube assembly (16).

Start By:

20. Use Tooling (A) in order to cap tube assembly


a.  Remove the fuel filter base. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Fuel Filter Base - Remove”.

21. Use Tooling (A) in order to cap the connection on

fuel filter base (1) and fuel lift pump (14).

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

5.  Remove Torx screws (10). Remove drain valve (9)

assembly from fuel filter base (4).


Ensure that  all adjustments and  repairs that  are

carried out  to the  fuel system are  performed by

authorized personnel that  have the correct train-


6.  Remove O-ring (8) (not shown).

Before beginning ANY work on the fuel system, re-

fer to Operation  and Maintenance Manual,  “Gen-

eral Hazard  Information and  High Pressure  Fuel

Lines” for safety information.

Refer to System Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Cleanliness of Fuel System Components” for de-

tailed information on the standards of cleanliness

that must be observed during ALL work on the fu-

el system.


Illustration 5

7.  Use a deep socket in order to remove fuel pressure

sensor (14) from fuel filter base assembly (4).

8.  Remove O-ring seal (16) from the fuel pressure


9.  Use a suitable tool in order to remove water in fuel

sensor (15) from fuel filter base assembly (4).

10. Remove O-ring seal (16) from the water in fuel


11. Remove dust cap (13) from fuel sampling valve


12. Use a deep socket in  order to remove fuel

sampling valve (12) from fuel filter base assembly



Illustration 4

13. Remove O-ring seal (5) from the fuel sampling


1.  Remove primary fuel filter (1).  Refer to the

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System

Primary Filter - Clean/Inspect/Replace” for the

correct procedure.

Personal injury  can result  from being  struck by

parts propelled by a released spring force.

2.  Remove secondary fuel filter (2). Refer to the

Operation and Maintenance  Manual, “Fuel

System Secondary Filter - Replace” for the correct


Make sure to wear all necessary protective equip-


3.  Remove connection (3) from fuel filter base (4).

Remove O-ring (4) from the connection.

Follow the  recommended procedure  and use all

recommended tooling to release the spring force.

4.  Remove connection (7) from fuel filter base (4).

Remove O-ring (6) from the connection.

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section


1.  Ensure that the fuel filter base is clean, free from

restriction, and free from damage. If necessary,

replace the complete fuel filter base  and filter



Illustration 6

14. Remove Torx screws (23). Support cover plate

(22) as the Torx screws are loosened.


Illustration 7

15. Remove cover plate (22), spring (19), and valve

(18) from fuel filter housing (4).

2.  Install a new gasket seal (20) to cover plate (22).

Ensure that the gasket seal is correctly seated

into the recess in the cover plate.

16. Ensure that spring locator (21) is not damaged.

17. Remove gasket seal (20).

3.  Install valve (18) into fuel filter base (4). Ensure

that the valve is correctly installed into the fuel filter

housing. Ensure that the valve can freely move.


Fuel Filter Base - Assemble

(1606A and 1606D Engines)

4.  Install spring (19) into valve (18). Ensure that the

spring is correctly installed into the valve.

5.  Position cover plate (22) onto spring (19). Ensure

that spring (19) is correctly located onto locator

(21) in the cover plate.

Assembly Procedure

6.  Install Torx screws (23) to cover plate (22).


7.  Tighten Torx screws (23) evenly in order to pull

cover plate (22) into position on fuel filter base (4).

Ensure that  all adjustments and  repairs that  are

carried out  to the  fuel system are  performed by

authorized personnel that  have the correct train-


8.  Tighten Torx screws (23) to a torque of 10 N·m

(89 lb in).

Before beginning ANY work on the fuel system, re-

fer to Operation  and Maintenance Manual,  “Gen-

eral Hazard  Information and  High Pressure  Fuel

Lines” for safety information.

Refer to System Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Cleanliness of Fuel System Components” for de-

tailed information on the standards of cleanliness

that must be observed during ALL work on the fu-

el system.

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section


Illustration 8

9.  Install a new O-ring seal (16) from fuel pressure

sensor (17).

10. Install fuel pressure sensor (17) to fuel filter base

assembly (4).


Illustration 9

11. Use a deep socket in order to tighten fuel pressure

sensor to a torque of 11 N·m (97 lb in).

17. Install a new O-ring (4) to connection (3).

18. Install connection (3) to fuel filter base (4). Tighten

the connection to a torque of 18 N·m (159 lb in).

12. Install a new O-ring seal (16) to the water in fuel


19. Install a new O-ring (6) to connection (7).

13. Use a suitable tool in order to install water in fuel

sensor (15) to fuel filter base assembly (4). Tighten

the fuel sensor to a torque of 2 N·m (18 lb in).

20. Install connection (7) to fuel filter base (4). Tighten

the connection to a torque of 18 N·m (159 lb in).

14. Install a new O-ring seal (5) to fuel sampling valve


21. Install a new O-ring (8) (not shown) into recess

in fuel filter base (4).  Position drain valve (9)

assembly to fuel filter base (4).

15. Use a deep socket in order to install fuel sampling

valve (12) to fuel filter base assembly (4). Tighten

the fuel sampling valve to a  torque of 17 N·m

(150 lb in).

22. Install Torx screws (10) finger tight.

23.  Tighten Torx screws (10) to a torque of 5 N·m

(44 lb in).

16. Install dust cap (13) to fuel sampling valve (12).

24. Ensure that drain valve (9) move freely after the

Torx screws have been tightened.

25. Install a new primary fuel filter (1). Refer to the

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System

Primary Filter - Clean/Inspect/Replace” for the

correct procedure.

26. Install a new secondary fuel filter (2). Refer to

the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel

System Secondary Filter - Replace” for the correct


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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

End By:

a.  Install the fuel filter base. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Fuel Filter Base - Install”.


Fuel Filter Base - Install

(1606A and 1606D engines)

Installation Procedure


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.


Illustration 10


2.  Position a new gasket seal (20) into the recess of

fuel filter base (1).

Ensure that  all adjustments and  repairs that  are

carried out  to the  fuel system are  performed by

authorized personnel that  have the correct train-


3.  Position fuel filter base (1) onto inlet manifold (21).

4.  Install bolt (18) and stud bolts (19) to fuel filter

base (1). Support the fuel filter base as the bolts

are installed.

Before beginning ANY work on the fuel system, re-

fer to Operation  and Maintenance Manual,  “Gen-

eral Hazard  Information and  High Pressure  Fuel

Lines” for safety information.

Note: Ensure that the different  length bolts and

the different types of bolts are installed to the bolts

original position.

Refer to System Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Cleanliness of Fuel System Components” for de-

tailed information on the standards of cleanliness

that must be observed during ALL work on the fu-

el system.

5.  Tighten bolt (18) and stud bolts (19) to a torque of

31 N·m (274 lb in).

1.  Ensure that the fuel filter base is clean and free

from damage. If necessary, replace the complete

fuel filter base and filter assembly.


Illustration 11

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

6.  Remove the caps from the connections on fuel

filter base (1) and fuel lift pump (14).

20. Remove the caps from fuel hose assembly and

the return connection (10) on fuel filter base (1).

7.  Position a new O-ring seal (12) (not shown) onto

the connection on fuel filter base (1).

21. Connect the fuel hose assembly onto return

connection (10) on fuel filter base (1).

8.  Remove the caps from tube assembly (11).

22. Position harness assembly (5) onto the stud bolt

on fuel filter base (1). Install nut (4) and tighten the

nut to a torque of 18 N·m (159 lb in). Ensure that

harness assembly (5) is not strained or twisted

as the nut are tightened.

9.  Install a new seal (13)  (not shown) to tube

assembly (11).

10. Connect tube assembly (11) to fuel filter base (1)

and fuel lift pump (14).

23. Connect harness assembly (6) onto the water in

fuel sensor (7) (not shown).

11. Tighten tube nut for tube assembly (11) on fuel

filter base (1) to a torque of 31 N·m (22 lb ft).

24. Connect harness assembly (8) onto fuel pressure

sensor (9).

12. Tighten tube nut on tube assembly (11)  to a

torque of 18 N·m (159 lb in).

25. If necessary, install hose assembly  to inlet

connection (2). Securely tighten hose clamps.

13. Remove the caps from the connections on fuel

filter base (1) and fuel lift pump (14).

26. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON


14. Remove the caps from tube assembly (16).

27. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.

15. Install new seal (15) (not shown) and new seal

(17) (not shown) to tube assembly (16).

End By:

16. Connect tube assembly (16) to fuel filter base (1)

and fuel lift pump (14).

a.  Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to

the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel

System - Prime” for the correct procedure.

17. Tighten tube nuts on tube assembly (16) to a

torque of 18 N·m (159 lb in).


Illustration 12

18. Remove the caps from the fuel hose assembly

and inlet connection (3) on fuel filter base (1).

19. Connect the fuel hose assembly  onto inlet

connection (3) on fuel filter base (1).

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4.  Connect harness assembly (6) to switch (5).

Switch (Water  in Fuel) -

Remove and Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines)

End By:

a.  Prime the fuel system. Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for

the correct procedure.

Removal Procedure


Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove

(1606A and 1606D Engines)

Removal Procedure

Table 2

Required Tools


Part Number

Part Description

Capping Kit






Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained

during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-

ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to

collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-

ing any  compartment or  disassembling any  compo-

nent containing fluids.


Illustration 13

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


1.  Ensure that fuel filter base (2) is clean and free

from dirt.

2.  Attach a suitable tube onto drain (3).  Loosen

cap (1) on fuel filter base  (2) in order to allow

atmospheric pressure to act upon the fuel. Rotate

the cap three and a half turns in order to allow the

vent hole to be accessed.


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

3.  Open drain valve (4) and drain fuel from fuel filter

base (2). Close drain valve (4).


Ensure that  all adjustments and  repairs that  are

carried out  to the  fuel system are  performed by

authorized personnel that  have the correct train-


4.  Tighten cap (1) to a torque of 25 N·m (221 lb in)

5.  Disconnect harness assembly (6) from switch (5).

6.  Use a suitable tool in order to remove switch (5)

from fuel filter base (2).

Before beginning ANY work on the fuel system, re-

fer to Operation  and Maintenance Manual, “Gen-

eral Hazard  Information and  High Pressure  Fuel

Lines” for safety information.

7.  Remove O ring seal (7) from switch (5).

Installation Procedure

Refer to System Operation, Testing and Adjusting,

“Cleanliness of Fuel System Components” for de-

tailed information on the standards of cleanliness

that must be observed during ALL work on the fu-

el system.

1.  Install a new O ring seal (7) onto switch (5).

2.  Use a suitable tool in order to install switch (5) into

fuel filter base (2).

1.  Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF

3.  Tighten switch (5) to a torque of 2 N·m (17 lb in).


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2.  Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.


Illustration 15


Illustration 14

10. Attach a suitable tube onto drain (19). Loosen

the cap on the fuel filter base  in order to allow

atmospheric pressure to act upon the fuel. Rotate

the cap three and a half turns in order to allow the

vent hole to be accessed.

3.  Place a suitable container below fuel transfer

pump (6) in order to catch any fuel that might be


4.  Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.

Disconnect harness assembly (2).

11. Open drain valve (18) and drain the fuel from the

fuel filter base. Close drain valve (18).

5.  Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.

Disconnect harness assembly (3).

12. Tighten the cap on the fuel filter base to a torque

of 25 N·m (221 lb in)

6.  Remove nut (1) and  nut (4) from harness

assembly (7).

13. Loosen tube nut (10) and tube nut (15) on tube

assembly (9) and drain the fuel from the system.

7.  Disconnect harness assembly (8) from the water

in fuel sensor.

14. Loosen tube nut (12) and tube nut (16) on tube

assembly (20) and drain the fuel from the system.

8.  Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position.

Disconnect harness assembly (5) from the engine

oil temperature sensor.

15. Remove tube assembly (9) and tube assembly


16. Remove O-ring seal (11) (not shown) from the

connection in the fuel filter base. Use Tooling (A) in

order to cap the connection in the fuel filter base.

9.  Position harness assembly (7) away from transfer

pump (6).

17. Use Tooling (A) in order to cap the connections in

fuel transfer pump (6).

18. Remove seal (14) (not  shown) from tube

assembly (9). Use Tooling (A) in order to cap tube

assembly (9)

19. Remove seal (13) (not shown) and seal (17) (not

shown) from tube assembly (20).

20. Use Tooling (A) in order to cap tube assembly (20)

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Illustration 16

Illustration 17

21. If necessary, follow Step 21.a through Step 21.f

in order to remove connections from fuel transfer

pump (6).

25. Remove O ring seal (27) from high-pressure oil

pump (25).

a.  Remove connection (21) from fuel transfer


pump (6).

Fuel Transfer Pump - Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines)

b. Remove O-ring seal (22) from connection (18).

c.  Use Tooling (A) in order to cap connection (21).

d. Remove  connection (24) from fuel transfer

pump (6).

Installation Procedure


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

e.  Remove O-ring seal (23) from connection (24).

f.  Use Tooling (A) in order to cap connection (24).

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

22. Loosen evenly bolts (26) and remove bolts (26)

from transfer pump (6).

1.  Ensure that the fuel transfer pump is clean and

free from damage.

23. Remove transfer pump (6) from high-pressure oil

pump (25)

24. Use Tooling (A) in order to plug high-pressure oil

pump (25).

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7.  Install the connection to transfer pump (6). Tighten

connection (21) to a torque of 18 N·m (159 lb in).

8.  Install a new O ring seal (23) to connection (24).

9.  Install the connection to transfer pump (6). Tighten

connection (24) to a torque of 18 N·m (159 lb in).


Illustration 18

2.  Remove the plug from high-pressure oil pump


3.  Position a new O-ring seal (27) into the recess of

high-pressure oil pump (25).


Illustration 20

Note: Ensure that the O-ring seal is correctly seated

into the recess of the high-pressure oil pump.

10. Ensure that tube assembly (9) and tube assembly

(20) are clean, free  damage, and free from


11. Remove the cap from connection on the fuel filter

base. Install a new O-ring seal (11) (not shown)

to the connection.

12. Remove the caps from tube assembly (9). Ins, tall

a new seal (14) (not shown) to the tube assembly.

13. Install tube assembly (9) to transfer pump (6).

Tighten tube nut (10) and tube nut (15) for tube

assembly (9) hand tight.

14. Remove caps from tube assembly (20). Install

new seal (14) (not shown) and new seal (14) (not

shown) to the tube assembly.

15. Install tube assembly (20) to transfer pump (6).

Tighten tube nut (12) and tube nut (16) for tube

assembly (20) hand tight.


Illustration 19

16. Tighten tube nut (10) to a  torque of 31 N·m

(22 lb ft).

4.  Position transfer pump (6) onto high-pressure oil

pump (25). Install bolts (26) and tighten the bolts

down evenly.

17. Tighten tube nut (15) to a  torque of 18 N·m

(159 lb in).

5.  Tighten bolts (26) to a torque of 13 N·m (115 lb in).

6.  Install a new O ring seal (22) to connection (21).

18. Tighten tube nut (12) and tube nut (16) to a torque

of 18 N·m (159 lb in).

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section


Exhaust Gas Recirculation

Cooler - Remove and Install

(1606D Engines)

Removal Procedure

1.  Drain the coolant from the cooling system into

a suitable container for  storage or disposal.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,

“Cooling System Coolant - Change” for the correct



Illustration 21

19. Position harness assembly (7) onto the stud bolts.

20. Install nut (1) and nut (4) hand tight.

21. Connect harness assembly (5) to the engine oil

temperature sensor. Slide the locking tab into the

locked position.

22. Connect harness assembly (8) to the water in fuel


23. Tighten nut (1) to a torque of 18 N·m (159 lb in).

Ensure that harness assembly (7) is not strained

or twisted as the nut are tightened.


Illustration 22

24. Tighten nut (4) to a torque of 18 N·m (159 lb in).

Ensure that harness assembly (7) is not strained

or twisted as the nut are tightened.

25. Connect harness assembly (2) and harness

assembly (3). Slide the locking tabs into the locked


26. Prime the fuel system. Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime”.


Illustration 23

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2.  Loosen hose clamp (2) and disconnect hose

assembly (1) from exhaust gas recirculation cooler


Note: The exhaust  gas recirculation cooler

should not be disassembled or cleaned.

2.  Ensure that the exhaust gas recirculation cooler is

free from wear and damage. If necessary, replace

exhaust gas recirculation cooler as an assembly.

3.  Loosen the hose clamp for hose assembly (9).

4.  Remove hose assembly (9) from exhaust gas

recirculation cooler (3).

3.  Ensure that all tube assemblies are clean and

free from restriction,  wear, and damage. If

necessary, replace any components that are worn

or damaged.

5.  Remove bolt (6) and bolt (20) from tube assembly


6.  Loosen hose clamp (22) for tube assembly (7).

7.  Remove tube assembly (7) from valve mechanism

cover (5) and hose assembly (21). Remove O-ring

seal (8) (not shown) from tube assembly (7).

8.  Prior to and during removal of bolts (11) apply

releasing fluid to the bolts.

9.  Remove bolts (11) and remove gasket (10) (not


10. Prior to and during removal of bolts (13) apply

releasing fluid to the bolts.

11. Remove bolts (13).

12. Remove the nut from the assembly of clamp

(4). Position clamp (4) away from exhaust  gas

recirculation cooler (3).


Illustration 24

13. Remove the clamp plate from  exhaust gas

recirculation cooler (3).

14. Remove bolt (17) from tube assembly (16).

15. Remove exhaust gas recirculation cooler (3) from

exhaust manifold (14) and tube assembly (16).

16. Remove gasket (12) (not shown) from exhaust

manifold (14).

17. Remove tube assembly (16) from front housing


18. Remove O-ring seal (15) (not shown) from O-ring

seal (18) (not shown) from tube assembly (16).

Installation Procedure

Table 3

Required Tools


Illustration 25


Part Number

Part Description




Anti-Seize Compound


4.  Install a new O-ring seal (15) (not shown) and a

new O-ring seal (18) (not shown) to tube assembly


1.  Ensure that the exhaust gas recirculation cooler is

clean and free from restriction. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Exhaust Cooler

(NRS) - Test” for the correct procedure.

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

5.  Install tube assembly (16)  to front housing

(19). Ensure that the tube assembly is correctly

orientated and is fully installed to the front housing

22. Install a new O-ring seal (8) (not shown) to tube

assembly (7).

23. Install tube assembly (7) to valve mechanism

cover (5) and hose assembly (19). Ensure that

the tube assembly is correctly seated in to valve

mechanism cover (5) and hose assembly (19).

6.  Position a new gasket (12) (not  shown) onto

exhaust gas recirculation cooler (3). Ensure that

the gasket is correctly seated onto the exhaust

gas recirculation cooler.

24. Install bolt (6) and bolt (18) to tube assembly (7)

hand tight.

7.  Position exhaust gas recirculation cooler (3) onto

exhaust manifold (14) and install tube assembly

(16) into exhaust gas recirculation cooler (3).

25. Tighten bolt (6) to a torque of 13 N·m (115 lb in).

26. Tighten bolt (18) to a torque of 62 N·m (45 lb ft).

Note: Ensure that the exhaust  gas recirculation

cooler is correctly positioned  onto the exhaust

manifold. Ensure that the tube assembly is correctly

seated into the exhaust gas recirculation cooler.

27. Securely tighten hose clamp (20).for  tube

assembly (7).

8.  Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of new bolts (13).

Install bolts (13) hand tight.

28. Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer  to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling

System Coolant -  Change” for the correct


9.  Position a new gasket (10) (not shown) between

exhaust gas recirculation cooler (3) and the tube



Electronic Unit  Injector -


10. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of new bolts (11).

Install bolts (11) hand tight.

11. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of new bolts (17).

Ensure that the clamp for tube assembly (16) is

correctly located into exhaust gas recirculation

cooler (3)

(1606A and 1606D Engines)

Removal Procedure

12. Install bolts (17) hand tight.

13. Position the assembly of clamp (4) onto exhaust

Table 4

gas recirculation cooler (3).

Required Tools



Part Number



Part Description

T40 Torx Socket

Capping Kit



Note: Ensure that the clamp is correctly located onto

the exhaust gas recirculation cooler.



14. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of the nut  for

clamp (4). Install the nut for clamp (4) hand tight.

Start By:

15. Tighten bolts (13) to a torque of 31 N·m (274 lb in).

16. Tighten bolts (11) to a torque of 24 N·m (212 lb in).

17. Tighten bolt (17) to a torque of 31 N·m (274 lb in).

a.  Remove the unit injector actuation oil manifold.

Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Unit Injector

Actuation Oil Manifold - Remove and Install”.


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

18. Tighten the nut for clamp (4) to a torque of 8 N·m

(71 lb in).

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

19. Connect hose assembly (1) to exhaust  gas

recirculation cooler (3). Tighten hose clamp (2)


1.  Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.

20. Install hose assembly (9)  to exhaust gas

recirculation cooler (3).

21. Tighten the hose clamp for hose assembly (9)


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Disassembly and  Assembly Section

6.  Remove O-ring seal (4) and O-ring seal (5) from

electronic unit injector (1).

7.  Use a suitable tool in order to remove  sealing

washer (6) from electronic unit injector (1). Ensure

that the sealing washer  is removed from the

cylinder head.

Note: Ensure that the nozzle for the electronic unit

injector is not damaged in any way on removal of the

sealing washer.

8.  Use Tooling (C) in order to cap and plug electronic

unit injector (1).

9.  If necessary, follow Step 1 through Step 8 in order

to remove the remaining electronic unit injectors.


Electronic Unit Injector - Install

(1606A and 1606D Engines)


Illustration 26

2.  Place an identification mark on electronic unit

injector (1) for  installation purposes. Each

electronic unit injector must be reinstalled in the

original location in the cylinder head.

Installation Procedure

3.  Use Tooling (A) to loosen fully Torx bolt (2). As

Torx bolt (2) is loosened, the electronic unit injector

will self extract from the cylinder head.

Table 5

Required Tools



Part Number


Part Description

Vacuum Pump



4.  Remove electronic unit injector (1) and clamp

assembly (3) from the cylinder head.


Fluid Sampling Bottle


Note: Always handle electronic unit injector with care.


7.9 mm (0.31 inch) OD






Large Bore Brush


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

1.  Use Tooling (E) to clean the carbon deposit from

the inside of the electronic unit injector sleeve.

2.  Use Tooling (D) to remove the fuel and oil from

the cylinder. Evacuate as much fuel and  oil as

possible from the cylinder before installing the

electronic unit injector. Several evacuations may

be necessary.


Illustration 27

5.  Remove clamp assembly (3) from electronic unit

injector (1).

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Illustration 28

Illustration 30

3.  Ensure that the seat Area (X) of electronic unit

injector (1) is clean and free from carbon.

6.  Position clamp assembly (3) on to electronic unit

injector (1). Ensure that the clamp assembly  is

correctly located into the electronic unit injector

in Position (Y).

4.  Install a new O-ring seal (4) and a new O-ring seal

(5) onto the electronic unit injector.

7.  Install electronic unit injector (2) into the original

5.  Install a new sealing washer (6) onto electronic

location in the cylinder head.

unit injector (1).

8.  Use Tooling (A) in order to tighten Torx bolt (2)

Note: Ensure that the nozzle for the electronic unit

injector is not damaged in any way as a new sealing

washer is installed.

hand tight.

9.  Tighten Torx bolt (4) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).

10. If necessary, repear Step 1 through Step 9 in

order to install the  remaining electronic unit

injectors (2).

11. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.

12. Install the unit injector actuation oil manifold.

Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Unit Injector

Actuation Oil Manifold - Remove and Install”.

13. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel

System - Prime”.


Illustration 29

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Disassembly and  Assembly Section


Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve

- Remove

(1606A and 1606D Engines)

Removal Procedure

Table 6

Required Tools


Part Number

Part Description


(1" x 8 TPI UNC) Thread














Slide Hammer Puller

(5/8"X 18 TPI UNF) by 4"

Long Stud


Start By:

a.  Remove the electronic unit injectors. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic  Unit

Injector - Remove”.


Illustration 31

2.  Plugging of an electronic unit injector sleeve (1)

will be necessary in order to stop debris entering

the cylinder bore. Plugging of the electronic unit

injector sleeve will only be required if the cylinder

head in still installed to the engine


Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause  rapid wear and  shortened

component life.

3.  Apply lubricant to the thread tap of Tooling (A).

Use the guide and the threaded tap of Tooling (A)

in order to cut a thread in electronic unit injector

sleeve (1). Screw in the thread tap of Tooling (A)

into the electronic unit injector sleeve by 19 mm

(0.75 inch).

1.  Drain the coolant from the  engine. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling

System Coolant - Change”.

4.  Remove both the guide and the thread tap  of

Tooling (A) from the electronic unit injector sleeve.

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